Friday, September 26, 2014

Derek Sanderson Jeter

Derek Sanderson Jeter ( lahir 26 Juni 1974 ) adalah bisbol shortstop Amerika yang bermain di musim ke-20 dan terakhir di Major League Baseball ( MLB ) untuk New York Yankees . Lima kali juara World Series, Jeter dianggap sebagai tokoh sentral dari keberhasilan Yankees ' dari akhir 1990-an dan awal 2000-an untuk nya memukul , baserunning , tangkas , dan kepemimpinan . Dia adalah Yankees ' sepanjang masa pemimpin karir hits ( 3461 ) , game yang dimainkan, basis dicuri, dan pada kelelawar ( 11.186 ) . 

Penghargaan -Nya meliputi 14 pilihan All-Star , lima sarung tangan emas Awards, lima perak Slugger Awards, dua Hank Aaron Awards, dan Roberto Clemente Award. Jeter adalah semua - waktu pemimpin MLB hits oleh shortstop , dan pemain 28 mencapai 3.000 hits. The Yankees disusun Jeter dari SMA pada tahun 1992 , dan ia memulai debutnya di liga utama sejak tahun 1995 dengan tahun berikutnya , ia menjadi awal shortstop Yankee ' , memenangkan Rookie of the Year Award , dan membantu tim memenangkan 1996 World Series . 

Jeter terus berkontribusi selama musim kejuaraan tim dari 1998-2000 ; ia selesai ketiga dalam pemungutan suara untuk Liga Amerika ( AL ) ( MVP ) penghargaan Most Valuable Player pada tahun 1998 , tercatat beberapa nomor karir tinggi pada tahun 1999 , dan memenangkan kedua All- Star Game MVP dan World Series MVP Awards pada tahun 2000 Dia memiliki secara konsisten ditempatkan di antara para pemimpin AL hits dan berjalan mencetak gol untuk sebagian besar karirnya , dan sejak tahun 2003 menjabat sebagai kapten tim Yankees ' . Sepanjang karirnya , Jeter telah memberikan kontribusi andal bagi Yankees ' franchise keberhasilan . 
Dia memegang banyak rekor postseason , dan memiliki rata-rata 0,351 batting di Seri Dunia . Jeter telah menerima julukan dari " Kapten Clutch " dan " Mr November " karena heroik post seasonnya . Jeter telah menjadi salah satu yang paling banyak dipasarkan atlet dari generasinya dan terlibat dalam beberapa dukungan produk . Hidup dan hubungan dengan selebriti pribadi-Nya telah menarik perhatian media sepanjang karirnya . Rekan tim dan lawan sama-sama menganggap Jeter sebagai seorang profesional dan salah satu pemain terbaik dari generasinya 

Sunday, September 21, 2014

Blog Make Money

Just seems like when they wanted to start a business, create a blog also requires an idea. The idea is not to be amazingly cool idea and there has never been out there, but there is no harm in wearing an idea that has been compromised.

The idea to create a blog can come from anywhere, whether it be from personal problems, from your experience, from friend requests and more.

Examples of personal issues, you're trying to learn how to start a diet, then you can find many references about diet, and information about diet that you share through your blog back later. Starting from the problems you are experiencing, just maybe you can help many others.

From experience, for example, you are a great salesperson, able to create record sales, now experience your success stories that can be shared through the blog. So in the blog later on you can share tips and tricks in selling, sales strategy, marketing tricks, and much more.

Okay, let's get used to the idea.

In the past 2 Plan Blog.

Yes planning is important, regardless of your blogging activity plan might eventually stop in the middle of the road. Blogging is not easy, just like dating, as well as building a business. There will always be things that do not make the mood, sometimes almost gave up, and much more.

For the first arrange your blog plan, specify:

What is the name for your blog then?
Who are the people that are targeted to be readers of your blog? Is the beginner, the layman, the adept, or anyone. Whether for adults, teenagers, housewives, or anyone?
Your targets / goals you want to reach. Is it to earn money? To promote your profile, or for what?

The means and efforts are going to do. Yes it should be clear, what actions would you do. Determine how many times a week would write a blog, how to blog promotion methods you will, from whom you want to learn, and much more.

With good planning, hopefully we can be very successful blog.

3 Create and Develop Your Blog Immediately

Once there is an idea and a plan, then immediately ACTION. Make your blog. Make it according to your plan, to use the name that you have planned. Once your blog is so, at least you've taken the first step. How do I create a blog? Relax, you can use:

Free blog services, such as for example a blog from service, or

You can try to use the application to create a blog other blogs, such as WordPress apliaksi, Joomla, Drupal, or others.
But the blog is already so is not enough. Once your blog is so, you have to start filling the blog with various articles and useful content.

If the content of your blog is not beneficial to the people, do not hope you can build a successful blog.

We believe, the article "4 Tips to Make Your Blog More and Practical Loved" will be able to give a lot of inspiration in the development of your blog.

4 Bring Many Visitors to Your Blog

Having your blog filled with various articles that are helpful, then immediately bring many people to visit your blog. In technical terms, you need to bring a lot of traffic to your blog.

How do I bring in more visitors to your blog? Here it is we have a solution :).

How to Generating Website Visitors?
Powerful way to bring and keep the traffic your website / blog.
5 Powerful Ways to Bring Traffic For Beginners.
5. Make Your Blog as a Source of Money

How? Here are some recommendations from us.

Selling goods / physical product. Yes you can earn money from your blog by selling goods, such as clothes, shoes, bags, dolls and much more. For example, as I do on the site

Selling ebook and video tutorials. Learn how at the School of Business Ebook.
Marketed products of others, whether it be by way of a dropship, with resellers, affiliates or business systems.

Get money through ads on your blog. Yes of course obviously if your blog is crowded, you can rent out advertising

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

What Is a SEO

Maybe for you who are new to blogging a bit confused well, naturally I also do not understand the first time blogging, and do not care about the name of SEO. After a long run I thinking why my blog visitors really little and cannot appear on the first page of a search engine.
Finally I find out browsing for, and finally met also turns the main factor is the SEO. Seo in our language if it is Search Engine Optimization give optimal function and increase the number and quality of visitors yours blog or site from a search engine and destination eventually your blog or website on the first page of google Search Engine. If it appears on the pages visited prioritizing opportunities for greater and your blog well grow crowded.

From my experience and some friends webmaster reliable, so the content is a major factor. Search engines especially Google love as the name content. I suggest make the content interesting and gives a lot of information to visitors of your blog or website. Content continues to be relevant as you make a blog or website you, eg your blog about cooking and then you create a post about SEO is not disconnected and the opportunity for your post on the main page will be below 50%. 

Try to make the same content no relation keywords you want to optimize. Do not create a post just to rely on copy and paste. If you want to try to copy and paste the contents of the link back from where you can such content. The latter remained updates you post at least one post every month, more often the better.
make the look your blog or website. Create the look of a simple but interesting if you can avoid the use of flash because it would make your blog become heavier. Create a blog that is easy to navigate for visitors, so they are not hard to find a post for you guys.
Do not install too many banner ads since it will make the visitors upset, you try to imagine if you're a frequent visitor to your blog filled with banner ads are not what make you upset?
A few tips from me hopefully can give you inspiration for beginners who want to optimization SEO, if you guys have any other tips please share here. Do not forget to comment.

Monday, September 15, 2014

Mengenal Link Dan SEO

Buat para blogger mania sering menanyakan tentang Link dan SEO, dimana hal ini sangat berpengaruh dalam tehnik blogger untuk meningkatkan web anda agar terindex di google. Kembali ke awal mulai internet sebelum ada Search engine, cara yang paling mudah untuk menuju kesebuah halaman adalah dengan cara mengetahui URL nya, dan yang kedua adalah dengan mengklik link yang menuju halaman tersebut.
Perlu diketahui untuk blogger mania, walau saat ini sudah tersedia Search engine tetapi fungsi link tetap penting, selain cara cepat menuju ke URL tetapi link adalah suatu tool penting yang mengarah crawler untuk menuju situs anda.Selain itu Link bisa mengelompokkan situs menurut kelompok-kelompoknya. Dengan ada link, anda tidak terlalu menggantungkan search engine untuk bisa mendapatkan pengunjung.
Dan perlu diketahui Link itu ibarat sebuah transportasi yang mengantar pengunjung ke website anda. Jika tidak ada media transportasi yang mengantarkan ke website maka sulit bagi pengunjung untuk sampai ke website anda.
Ketika seorang melakukan browsing maka dia akan mendapatkan link ke website tertentu, dan jika mereka sudah berselancar ke website tertentu dia bisa menuju ke jendela web lainnya.
Jika keyword merupakan istilah yang berkaitan erat dengan SEO dan merupakan istilah bagian kalian blogger mania yang sering di dengar, maka Link adalah istilah kedua yang harus kalian ketahui. Ada sebuah istilah di kalangan para blogger website yang tanpa link ibarat sebuah padang tandus, karena tidak ada yang mengetahui bahwa ada sebuah kehidupan website di situ.
Tujuan link ibarat sebuah ruang lintas untuk mengetahui sebuah informasi yang relevan terhadap situs tertentu karena linking biasanya hanya dilakukan oleh situs yang relevan. Oleh karena itu, dengan Link dari dan ke situs yang relevan, situs anda bisa di kelompokkan dan dikenali dengan baik oleh Google. Selain itu Link juga menunjukkan kualitas website anda. Semakin banyak link yang menuju ke website, akan semakin tinggi kedudukan website tersebut. Bahkan untuk sebuah website yang baru Link merupakan suatu hal yang wajib hukum karena akan membuat Google dengan mudah mengenali website anda.
Buat Link yang berkualitas jangan Link yang sembarangan, dimana berkaitan erat dengan website yang anda miliki. Dan janganlah terlalu banyak menggunakan link karena akan di anggap Spam dan juga tidak nyaman dimata pengunjung.Monitorlah Link  anda dengan mengecek agar jangan ada Link yang putus.

Oke blogger mania selamat mencoba dan tetap semangat.